Monday 25 March 2013

Seva Yoga In Brief

What does Seva Yoga mean??
          Seva Yoga is a Sanskrit term made up of two words Seva meaning ‘Service’ and Yoga ‘Union’. So Seva Yoga means ‘Service for Unity’ literally. It means to place Yoga to the service for others by widening access to the healing and nourishing benefits of yoga as therapy and as a practical support for joyful living even in the face of challenge, difficulty and change. 

              Yoga philosophy is an Art and Science of living in tune with Brahmand - The Universe. Unlike earlier, Yoga today is no longer restricted to a privileged minority of hermits; it has taken its place in our everyday living and has undergone a worldwide awakening and acceptance in the last few decades. The Science of Yoga and its techniques have now been re-oriented to suit modern sociological needs and lifestyle. Experts of various branches of medicine including modern medical science are realizing the role of these techniques in the prevention of disease and promotion of health.                 

          Swami Vivekananda defines Yoga as "It’s a means of compressing one’s evolution into a single life or a few months or even a few hours of one’s bodily existence". By Yoga, Sri Aurobindo, meant a methodological effort towards self perfection by the development of potentialities latent in the individual .Most people have their first experience of yoga by joining a yoga class and practicing asana. Seva yoga is usually described as service, but this word does not quite capture the essence of seva. People who conduct Yoga for the welfare of mankind is called sevaks and their work is called Seva i.e. serving. Seva Yoga is a blessing in disguise. The joy and happiness you get by offering your love and affection to another human being becomes a blessing for you. Truly , Seva Yoga is a blessing to mankind.