Wednesday 15 May 2013

Role of Seva Yoga

              There is a special word, as mentioned earlier, in Sanskrit, seva, which translates to “selfless service”. Seva is an attitude towards the world with an open heart and readiness to help without expecting anything back. It is defined by the Seva Foundation as “compassion in action”.
The Seva Foundation should be the most widely-known organization promoting Seva Yoga. Its programs are concentrated in nine developing countries to help local communities build sustainable solutions to fight poverty and disease.
              Another well known program, Global Seva Challenges. In five years it has raised more than two million dollars for projects in Cambodia, Uganda, South Africa and Haiti. Their campaign focuses on raising awareness to stop sex trafficking in India and worldwide.
Being a yogi means taking care of your body and soul–but it also involves creating and sharing positive energy. Just as we roll out our mat every day, we can practice selfless service on a regular basis. Join existing movements or create your own. Think about your passion, recognize and feel the pain of others, and find an outlet to bring your compassion into action.
              Many years’ working in the nonprofit sector and knowing there is another way to guide people toward healing. Something to compliment the employment classes, the violence prevention programs, the case management, the counseling etc. 
              I’m damn sure that we have all experienced a time in our lives when someone helped us without even realizing what we are doing. Perhaps you never even spoke to other people, but something about what they did or how they are inspired you. So this Seva Yoga is about sending out a silent thank you to someone who played this role in your life.

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